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Community supports family of Calgary man killed in snowplow collision

Members of Calgary’s Indian community are helping support the wife and children of a man who died when his vehicle collided with a snowplow last week.
Ramesh Singh moved to Calgary from India 12 years ago. He moved from Uttarakhand in Northern India, where he grew up surrounded by the Himalayan mountains and developed a passion for cooking.
His wife and two children were only able to move recently because of immigration issues and have lived in Calgary for just one year. They were just starting a new life together in Canada.
The family’s dreams were shattered on the evening of Jan. 12. Singh was driving home from work when he lost control of his Jeep on a corner on Westwinds Drive.
The Jeep crashed head-on into a snowplow heading south.
His death has devastated not only his wife and children but the Uttarakhand community in Calgary, which has been supporting the family.
The president of Uttarakhand Association in Calgary describes Singh as friendly and helpful.
“He’s a very hard worker and we are so sad,” said Kailash Raturi. “We are supporting his family.”
Raturi was one of dozens of people who attended a service for Singh on Thursday, where family and friends came to pray, share memories and offer condolences.
Singh’s brother-in-law says he had a warm and welcoming personality.
“He was a very jolly person. He was a very responsible dad, dedicated husband and loving friend,” said Ravi Pundir.
Singh was a chef at the Mint Leaf restaurant, just a few blocks away from where he died.
Word of his passing has impacted many who would stop by to eat and chat with him.
“Everybody is crying for him; not just our community, but the place he used to work, the whole plaza was crying for him,” Pundir said.
The children have lost their father and also the sole provider in the family. A gofundme has been set up to assist them.
“The family is shattered. He was the only breadwinner of the family. His wife is from India. She doesn’t know very good English and there are language barriers,” Pundir said.
He said he’s thankful for the generosity from people in the Punjabi community and Uttarakhand community in Calgary.
